Vitamins and Minerals in Diet
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There are numerous uses for minerals. For instance, numerous vitamins and enzymes require minerals to function. Minerals are required for the operation of many hormone reactions. Minerals are essential for maintaining good neuronal function, for the creation of bone and blood, and for the right composition of bodily fluids. Therefore, a lack of minerals may cause the body's many metabolic processes to become immobile.
Avoiding Foods that Cause Acid Reflux
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Food is the best source of minerals. Alarmingly, we are aware that diets nowadays frequently lack sufficient amounts of crucial minerals and trace elements. According to estimates, "after 100 years of traditional farming, just 15% of the unfarmed (unused) mineral supply remains in the soil." 66) (Crawford). As a result, doctors advise us to take supplements containing minerals and trace elements to make up for the absence of minerals in our diets. However, due to the various claims extolling the advantages of one mineral supplement over another, we can easily become very perplexed within the broad realm of supplementation.
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Should the mineral be in chelate, malate, picolinate, collodial, fumarate, ascorbate, etc. form when taken as a supplement? The greatest approach to obtain minerals is through diet, is our straightforward response to that query. The reasons why you should eat entire foods to fuel your body whether it comes to minerals or any other nutrient should be clear from the following paragraphs.
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It is crucial to define the phrases "inorganic mineral" and "organic mineral," first. A compound's organic or inorganic nature is determined by the connections between its constituent parts.
Here are a few explanations:
Chemical inorganic refers to a mineral's absence of carbon in its chemical makeup. When a mineral is chemically organic, it signifies that carbon makes up the majority of its chemical makeup.
When minerals are designated as agriculturally inorganic, it indicates that chemical fertilisers have contaminated the food that has been farmed. When a food item's mineral content is listed as agriculturally organic, it signifies that the food item was grown without the use of chemical fertilisers.
A mineral is said to be nutritionally inorganic if it lacks any organic (carbon-based) molecules. A mineral is chelated or bonded to organic molecules when it is nutritionally organic. Jensen, pages 74–84
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In his book Health and Wellness, Ted Morter describes inorganic minerals as being securely kept together while organic minerals are easily split apart (p. 62).
The scientific community is divided on the subject of whether or not the body can use inorganic minerals to carry out biological activities. But the majority of scientists concur that only chemically and nutritionally organic foods can effectively supply elements, including minerals, that the body can use at the cellular level (pp. 140-145).
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There is only one way for humans to properly access minerals at the cellular level, and that is by eating products from the plant kingdom. Since people are incapable of performing photosynthesis, we must rely on plants to prepare (chemically assemble) our food (ingredients). Through the process of photosynthesis, plants can transform inorganic minerals present in soil or water into living, organic minerals by attaching enzymes to them.
In other words, the enzymes connected serve as a "passport" to facilitate the transport of minerals into human body cells and facilitate the usage of those minerals by the cells. The important thing to remember is that for the body to use the enzyme, it needs to be functioning and connected to the mineral.
Any type of food preparation (heating, pasteurisation, adding preservatives, etc.) damages the enzymes and the bonds that hold the food's components together. Inorganic food is the end outcome, as are inorganic or denatured food components.
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Since raw meals include active enzymes, they immediately contribute to the body's ability to produce life-sustaining activities. They are chemically organic because they still have their active enzymes. Enzymes are catalysts; in this case, the catalysts are elements that make the body use food for life-sustaining reasons more effectively.
Table salt is an illustration of an inorganic material. Just sodium and chloride are present. It has no enzymes, making it enzymatically inactive and useless to the body. Our bodies cannot link an enzyme to inorganic materials (minerals) without suffering severe health consequences.
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Keep in mind that only the plant kingdom is capable of attaching enzymes to inorganic compounds and turning them into chemically linked, active, and organic substances through its numerous living and developing processes.
For food and growth, the plant kingdom uses sunlight, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, water, and inorganic minerals during the process of photosynthesis. The outcome is a living plant (food for us to eat) that is composed of water, glucose, protein, fatty acids, minerals, enzymes, and vitamins. We will receive a set of usable nutrients that are reasonably adequate for our needs if we regularly consume fruits, vegetables, seaweed, seeds, and nuts as part of our diets.
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Are you concerned that you may not be obtaining certain minerals? The approach is to choose foods that have high concentrations of those minerals and turn them into "juice." You are obtaining organic minerals in the chelated, assimilable, and useful forms that mother nature intended for us to have.
Crawford, Mark. (March, 1999). Minding Our Minerals. Healthy & Natural Journal.
Jensen, Bernard. (1973). Empty Harvest. New York: Avery Publishing Group Inc.
Morter, Ted. (2000). Health & Wellness. Hollywood, Florida: Frederick Fell Publishers, Inc.